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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New Day New Project

I am at a stand still with the baby quilt. I am awaiting batting for this quilt and I am going to try a new batting. I want to give bambo mix a go, but when you order it on line you have to wait for the product to be shipped. So here I am and can not waste a day without quillting.
My project for the next two days shall be a Fat Quarter Tote Bag, pattern by M'Liss. I purchased a kit from Nancy's notions because I loved the colors on her web site and knew I would not find the exact colors here. Turquoise, fushia and blue prints, topped with a metalic gold. Today was spent cutting out the pieces and tomorrow will be spent sewing it together. Loved the colors and the bag is so cute. Takes 6 fat quarters, plus about one and a half yard of fabric to line the bag. Look forward to seeing the results as I will photograph it when I am done.
Used my favorite touch of Heavy Spray Starch to prep my fabrics before I cut, so much easier to cut if it is starched. Look for pictures soon. Happy Quilting.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hawaiian quilt designs are really challenging. These are a few of my favorites made by various designers. One of these days I, too, will take on the challenge.
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New Baby quilts

I am working on a new baby quilt for my great granson that will be born around the end of May. I started a lone star quilt that just seemed to grow under my fingertips. I used the fast star pattern from Montana Star Quilts by Linda Parker. I found that this book at the Bozeman Montana Museum. You should be able to find a copy of this book online or at your favorite quilt store. My granson's lineage is from the Rosebud Sioux tribe from Rapid City South Dakota. I wanted to make his son something that honors his father's heritage. I chose non traditional baby colors using Southwest by Michelle Watts for Moda fabrics. The colors were just right for this type of quilts but you can use any fabrics that you desire. Traditional Lone Star quilts were made from satin or cotton. Satin fabrics should be set with fusible interfacing to maintain it shape and keep the fabric from unraveling. Traditionally these quilts were made in 24 hours. I am just finishing this one. I will post a picture of it when I am done. My quilt top was made in 3 days. I used 45 degree templates that were purchased from Keepsake Quilts. This would be fun for an intermediate quilter to do for their grand children. A keepsake to last for years to come.